Hope you are all well and not to stressed. Here is some news just for you!!!!
Well after travelling for a total of 38 hours i finally made to camp and lets just say it is nothing like i expected. In some ways its a little scary and in other ways well it is the most amazing place on earth. I am really enjoying the freedom the occasional dizzy spell from jet lag i wont lie is grating my nipple.
I went to Wendy's for those of you who don't know what Wendy's is let me just tell you its not the girl next door its a fast food joint. I don't wanna sound funny but there are enough fast food places here to make the cows in SA a little worried!!! OH MY GOSH!! The flag should just have a McDonald golden arches on it.
was honestly weird that i couldn't speak Zulu to the black people but that's life hey its cool though and the social structures are very diff to home but I love that!!! Anyway driving on the wrong side of the road is a little weird the guy who drove us from the airport i just thought he was going to drive into on coming traffic.
The kids haven't arrived yet they arrive in 18 days so went fly fishing today. Which i must just say that despite the name is very manly. I CAUGHT SO MUCH. I am a pro let me just tell you the fish literally went running!! cause i caught about 4 trees one guys hat the fishing rod behind me some grass, my own line and at one point i was fishing without a fly on the line so lets just say i hope i am a little better in the future.
anyway miss you guys and am a little sick. what can i say i am a mommies boy!!
love you guys
The Rooms
The Waterfront
The View
Flyfishing 101