Monday, July 23, 2007

Great Read

O'Mandingo!: The Only Black at a Dinner Party
If I am to call my self an African and if I am to call myself a true African i need to understand what it means to be African. This book has shown me things about life that could never have dreamed has shown me God in a way that puts him into an African context.
It is controversial at times and Eric Miyeni really pushed me. He can be very political and very black conscious but that is the beauty of this book. It is not trying to be something its not. It is an honest portray of a mans thoughts and feelings.
If I could write this would be the style and the personality I would chose to have in a book. This is a truly South African book and well worth the read

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

So Much To Do So Little Time

"To feel unbelievable and true joy is to see the people who you invest in, find their true selves in the moments of their lives." Me

Ok so hear is some photos of the kids who played in the concert that I organised. They were amazing.

Went to my first ever baseball game. Asheville Tourist VS some team
Miniature tanks on the Field

THE DANCE (We take the kids to a dance with the girls camp)
Went to Church

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day

“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right.”
Brigham Young

Yesterday Was Independence day. It was a time where all Americans celebrate their Independence from the British. I was reading a book from Sam Harris who is an atheist who is trying to convert to world to atheism. He takes huge stabs at the christian faith saying that we basically will fight a fight that we see as moral but there are bigger issues that need to be looked at. For example we will fight homosexual marriages but will say and do very little about genocide and HIV. There are many examples of this. But while sitting in the beauty of the fireworks I wondered how can we celebrate any Independence when there are people who are still oppressed. Its up to us to fight. God never put boarders on creation why do we. How can we call South Africa liberated when refugees feel unwanted.

Anyway Here are some pics I had a fantastic time

14o Double Cheese burgers. Eating challenge

Look A white Squirrel