So finally I have decided to update my blog. Lets just say it was a little hectic and busy but now I am back in South Africa with allot to share.
Well the camp in North Carolina ended and i had an opportunity to go work on a mental retardation and Autism camp. Now my experience limited as it is was that these people were not very clever and not alive. The were pretty much going through life just to die. WOW was I wrong they are so clever, they have sense's of humour that can not be reviled and there zest for life is amazing. Some of them can only lift there arms and smile but yet they are so happy with their life. I could learn so much from these people. Nick Patel should me what true love was. He couldn't speak but he had a girlfriend who was in a wheelchair and whenever they saw each other they glowed. She shook in her chair and was a deeply moving experience. It was tough cause you got to wipe their bums, shower them, shave them, and other bodily fluids but was worth the experience.
Although Africa and South Africa has its problems I would rather be here fighting those problems then fighting America or any other countries problems. I Love South Africa and I am proud to be here.