Saturday, January 19, 2008

Eskom " I wish I was the light of the world"

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ~Chinese Proverb

Eskom the electricity supplier to South Africa recently released a statement that blackouts would be part of South African lifestyles for the next six year. This has major impact on the economy and the lifestyle that we as South Africans live.

Numerous probes are being launched to see who is to blame. Thabo Mbeki said government was to blame for not listening to Eskom and wanting to build houses rather than power stations. Some people honestly believe Eskom and its management are to blame. I wonder if people have ever made mistakes that have affected other people?

But the the truth of the matter is as South Africans blackouts will be part of our daily lives. But with that comes great hope and great opportunity for our country. We could become the world pioneers in how to save electricity. The world is crying for a nation to lead it in reduction of emissions and decrease its carbon footprint on the world. We could be forerunners. This is forcing us to look at our lives and say the more I use the more it affects my neighbour. We could raise a generation of electricity conscience people or we could raise a group of people who have a complaining conscience built into them. I like option A!!

Even in my own house I had a look at the number of lit rooms that no one was in. I can make a deference in the electricity consummation in my own home.

We are a country that has the opportunity to experiment and play with this technology (solar powered traffic light) and maybe just maybe God saw we were faithful in little by reconciling the wounds of apartheid and now is calling us to save her planet??

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