Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Church Vs. The Begger

I was sitting in my ethics class toady and I came across a thought and I thought that it was really some thing that could be taken a little further.
  • Relies on people to sustain it
  • Beg for money
  • Begs from a pulpit
  • Sends food to the poor
  • Talks about the poor
  • Is Rich
  • Teaches Jesus
  • Lives in a house
  • The world Passes By
  • Relies on people to sustain it
    Beg for money
    Begs from a traffic light
    Looks for food in where ever it can get
    Engages with the poor
    Is Poor
    Knows Jesus
    Lives on the street
  • The world passes by

A minister said to me the other the day that
  • When people look into the church what do they see?

  • When we look out of the church what do we see?

Here are some questions that I think that are important

  • What can the church learn from the beggar?

  • How are they similar?

  • How do we engage in that Jesus?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Where is the love?

I was reading other peoples blogs when I came across this Link for a story that rocked me to my core!!!

Child phone thief ‘deserved it’

‘People in the country are sick and tired of crime and have become completely desensitised’

Website visitors applaud 12-year-old’s shooting

While police are still in the dark about the identity of the driver who shot and killed a 12-year-old smash-and-grabber, it appears many South Africans have little sympathy for the young boy.

Comments on The Times website seemed to weigh in favour of the unknown gunman who killed the boy in Boksburg on Friday, with some even suggesting the killing of the youngster rid the country of a future criminal.

With comments such as “he won’t be committing any further crime” to “the victim [the shooter] has done South Africa a huge favour”, website visitors made it clear they are fed up with the current crime situation.

The boy was shot after he apparently smashed the window of a white Citi Golf on Rondebult Road in Boksburg, East of Johannesburg, and stole a cellphone. A witness claimed the boy ran away, but was chased by the driver who shot him in the chest and then fled the scene in his car.

One visitor, writing under the alias “Fluffybunny” wrote: “That little scumbag- in-training was not just shot for that particular crime, it put an end to the dozen crimes he’ll go on to commit every single day, eventually ending in him becoming a murderer and rapist just like the rest of them ... so good riddance to bad rubbish.”

Dr Christiaan Bezuidenhout of the University of Pretoria’s social work and criminology department said these views reflect the sentiment of what he calls “a gatvol nation”.

“People are sick and tired of crime and have become completely desensitised,” said Bezuidenhout.

“All they read and hear about is how criminals rob, rape and torture people … we are already at the stage where ordinary people actually applaud those who take the law into their own hands.”

Having dealt with numerous under-aged offenders, Bezuidenhout said the youth of today are misled by what is perceived to be important in life, such as having the best cellphone and clothing.

“One has to ask, where was this boy’s parents and what role did they play in giving him guidance,” he said, adding: “But we all know parental guidance is sadly absent in our society.”

Commenting further on some of the readers’ remarks on The Times website, Bezuidenhout, said: “This is how crime has affected the psyche of our nation.

“It is not a racial issue, but rather a shift in our social patterns.

“People think the shooter is a hero because he did something the police couldn’t do.”

Captain Mack Mngomezulu said late yesterday that police have received no positive leads.

“We are investigating, but so far we have had nothing to identify the driver,” Mngomezulu said.

Wow I challenge people to look at some of the comments at the bottom of the article. Is this the norm in SA? Should we agree with this? Is Jesus still relevant in a country where this is happening?

One of Gandhi main principles was non violent protests. Where he believed that you show the person their lack of humanity by not fighting back. That made Gandhi a feared man in the world. A man with no guns and no revenge agenda scared the corrupt governments. Sounds a little like Jesus.....

Martin Luther King Jnr applied the same approach when the African American Race found themselves in a deep conflict with the South. Many black americans were beaten and strangled killed and houses destroyed. Martin Luther King Jnr found himself part of that and yet he proclaimed a Non Violent protest. Even at its worst the man still followed a Non Violent option. He said that when you retaliate you bread a sense of violence post your liberation......

Apartheid is wrong and I am not trying to defend the course it took. However in light of the non violent approach I wonder how South Africa would look now. The story tells of two groups. Whites attack blacks, blacks retaliate, blacks attack whites and now look the cycle is turning to whites retaliating. What are are we gearing ourselves up for?? This is such a dangerous place we find ourselves in and what does the church do?? It prays for a Saviour and meanwhile tries to create a devision that is dangerous for the land.......

The killer in South Africa is not crime but rather a breading of Violence that stems when the Dutch landed on our shores with Guns..... The britished added to it and now we live in the repercussions of our great grandfathers. Who says there is no such thing a children being cursed by our ancestors. Maybe we are breading this culture in our great grandchildren?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Women's Lib

It's true i am serious but I saw this and I thought there must be a place in the world for the woman's liberation movement

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Rich Gospel

I have been watching the Christian music scene in South Africa for some time and I think whilst they are doing a good job, I wonder if there is any place for the gospel in it. The strange thing that I find is that we have found a formula (Hillsongs, Passion.......) and we seem to be doing a windows shortcut on the whole experience. We copy and paste. Whilst that has its good news for musicians we have lost a context in our church. So we have lost the South African Jesus and replaced it with a Australian Jesus or even an American Jesus. Some might say look at Tree 63 whilst they may be South African they are an American based band and therefore have another context. Even South African worship leaders are constintly trying to repoduce the same experience that they say in other parts of the world here in SA. I wonder if Jesus had to ever walk into our churches would he ever say Is this not the vision I had for that church in Australia. The Side product of this is bad theology and meaningless songs enter our churches and we find ourselves selling our depth for a riff
The second thing that I have come to notice is that the average person in South Africa cant afford the price of a ticket to a concert. Even R40 is expensive when you have a family to feed or you have to go take your son to the Doctor. So the price of the Gospel is expensive? Should the gospel not be free. Surely it was given to us freely why then do we allow people to make a prophet off Jesus. The people who made the heart of the gospel pump are the ones we say are not allowed into our malls called churches.

Jesus has a great church growth plan..... Invite the poor

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Mind Of The Brave

What is it about the world that great minds are ostracised? Do we believe that the great minds should sit behind a desk and every now and then they should write a motivational book. God forbid that the great minds come out from behind their glasses and challenge our lifestyles. NO NO NO their job is to make my flat screen TV clearer and make my life easier.

I would start to say that I am pretty controversial. Some people call it heresy and others call satanic. I don't think that when I start thinking that I should come with the most controversial thought but I do think that its what makes me come to terms with the world I find myself in.

I have noticed though that when people do not agree with you then they say either two things. 1. That you are forcing your views on everyone but the truth is if you stayed inside what they thought was normal then you wouldn't be forceful. 2. That you are wrong and that there is something wrong with you.

I don't mind so much people disagreeing with me and rejecting me but rather my deepest hurt is when the people you hold close start to reject you. Your views become so different that it breaks the bonds that should be so strong. My family is Christian and we cannot discuss Christianity in my house cause of the fact that the bonds of family are broken when I open my mouth. Its sad that the one thing that should unify us is the one thing that breaks us apart. Sad!!!

I really feel that I have isolated myself with just the way I think. I cant discuss, engage or even just relax with the people I love. Its a lonely place but what's the alternative find love and deny your true belief? I wonder how Jesus responded to his family structure being destroyed by what He believed. Its a lonely place when you hang on the cross and your family is the one shouting CRUCIFY HIM!!