Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Without Christ

Is Jesus really selfish?? I am very privileged to work in a company of varying faiths. The main two faiths I have picked up on within our company is Hindu and Christianity. This is put into a very big melting pot of pressure and can create a beautiful mix at times. We get to share each others holidays and I really think its amazing. I have learnt so much from the people here who are not christian and they seem to reflect more of Christ than the Christians I know. Weird hey??

Anyway as we know Christmas is coming up. And the regular rush of shopping is happening and the regular "Christmas has lost Jesus" or the other one, "Christmas is so commercialised". Well I have only one response to that. BULLSHIT!!! I think if any thing the commercial side has done something that the church is struggling to do bring people in to the church and also getting people to celebrate Jesus's birth. I think Jesus would rather all people whether Muslim Hindu or Christian celebrate his life. Cause that is what Christmas is.

Does Jesus become selfish with his birth?? I don't think so isn't amazing the first people to see Jesus were not even christian in fact followed stars. Could you imagine the same attitude of our Christian society waiting at the stable door saying, "Excuse me Sir's do you have your baptism certificate, your belief statement, your bible and your encounter with the spirit"?? The travelers response would probably "No I followed a star, all I want to do is see the baby" and our response would have been " Sorry you do not qualify to celebrate in our Jesus's birth". Why are we making Jesus selfish.

So whether you Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Or Whatever enjoy Christmas. And enjoyed time spent with the people we love and MERRY CHRISTMAS

1 comment:

Gareth said...

I LOVE your pic Just!
You ARE waaay too sexy for that shirt. Take it off!

Just bought me one times return ticket to SA, Jan 19 to Feb 11. YAY! So, when i'm up in Jozi, i'll be seeing you for sure! Maybe even pop by the ultimate field if you have the needles out of your leg by then?

Looking forward to it muchly!

Peace buddy.