Friday, December 15, 2006

Life As It Is Now

So it's now the weekend and I am just about to go and just relax after a hard week at work. But I thought i should just fill you in on a couple of things. Well I love Ultimate Frisbee and I was playing quite a bit until i felt sharp pains in my legs. Well needless to say I had serious shin splints and ultimate had just seemed to just bring it to the fore. Anyway I have been going for the last couple of months to get dry needling done. Let me just warn you the following clips are not for sensitive viewers
I get this done twice a week. Yum Yum and the best part is that I got another 2 months to go.
Anyway I am writing a book at the moment and this is my introduction. Basically this book focus on God's ability to be wrong and say sorry.
Here is the intro.
For years Jesus has been a mystery. People have been struggling to come to terms with how God could manifest himself in Jesus. The search to try understand Jesus has led creation on some wonderful, some controversial, some that brought God closer to us and some we feel has set out to disprove Jesus. However the question still remains. Who is Jesus?

For me this journey started in a very fundamental light. That God was God and that was the be all and scripture was Gods word and thou shall not question scripture. I have been fortunate that I have been able to learn from great theological minds and slowly I learnt that the brain is a beautiful tool from God. A tool where we could explore scripture and put it to the test. I love the story where there is a meeting about the legitimacy of Jesus’ message and whether or not people should act to try stamp it out before anything happens and a very wise man stands up and says if it is truth it will stand the test of time and if it is false it will wither. The same with scripture it needs to be bought to the light to be questioned and opened up. This is true faith like a child.

Anyway the journey I have been on has shown me many things about myself. I am a very emotional person. My view I feel are a collection of deep thought and deep emotion. I write what I feel not to be right but to open with my thoughts and have them criticised. My greatest difference from you is my greatest gift to you and your greatest gift to me is your difference. You might not agree with anything in this book but keep and open mind and just listen to what it has to say. I am in no way claiming to be God’s voice I think he could just use what I say to minister to you. I think that a lot of this book boils down to how you view God. How you interact and how you live within Gods presence.

I have been wondering whether or not God could be wrong. Not wrong in the sense well he is not God but rather in the sense that God could be wrong in some of his thoughts. I think that this doesn’t make God less God but brings us into a greater relationship with God. I feel we are not controlled by some dictator who zaps us at the first sign of human failure but rather a God, who understands, cares, listens, and values our opinions and then together with us makes a decision that affects us. We as humans though do have the power in ourselves to become a dictator and leave God out of this decision making process. We are not just a creation but we are part of the creator in the creator’s creation. This book hopes to show that.

Jesus is Gods way of trying to understand humanity and by doing that God had to make a mistakes because God never new what it was like to be a human he only had theory knowledge. For example a parent can make a child but doesn’t mean that they know how it feels to be them. This base of all thinking within these pages is that to be wrong is not to sin infact to be wrong is to embrace our humanity. We as humanity breed mixed personalities. We breed them by what we say and how they stand brought to the light of what our interpretation of scripture is. How often have you heard that we learn from our mistake? Infact we are told to embrace and learn from them. How come it is that we tell our children that they got to be perfect because Jesus didn’t make a mistake? That goes against our logic chain of thought and what we are taught. Mistakes equal learning how could Jesus therefore learn what it was like to be human. What if Jesus was wrong? What happened if he did make mistakes? Doesn’t make him less perfect but it does make him more human.

I hope this book bring the sorry that the world is desperately in need of and brings the healing that God gives because he understands through his mistakes.
Please tell me what you think.

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