Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Leading The Way In Democracy

This week was a huge week in terms of the political structure South Africa will take for the next 6 years. The ANC who is the ruling party and whether we like or not will be for the next couple of elections chose to put forward Jacob Zuma as its president.The mood around South Africa can only be described as a mixed bag. Some people have now bought there plane tickets and others have found huge hope in this decision. The fact of the matter is that the ANC wanted change. They found Thabo Mbeki to not be delivering to the people. This is not to say that he was not a good president as Thabo Mbeki has grown the economy to the strongest it has ever been. The ANC felt it was time to enrich the poor and the workers of the country. In Thabo Mbeki's opening speech of the ANC National Conference he concluded that he had failed in these area's. Jacob Zuma is the best possible candidate at the moment that the ANC has to fulfil that role. Hence the vote to bring him in power.

So whether we like it not Jacob Zuma is here to stay. He might find himself in jail for corruption but he has not been proven guilty so he has ever right to be running for president. If he has the ANC will vote again. The ANC is not trying to screw the country. Lets have a little faith in people. Last time I checked Jesus had in us.

The last thing I am feeling is that as Christians we have not been so approving of this decision. We are trying to play God. God is in control. Lets put a little faith in God as well. God hasn't let our country down before what makes us think God will???? The church has a huge responsibility to support Jacob Zuma and to help him implement the Policies (Which I feel will move from Pro-Business to Pro-People) and to hold him accountable. There is an old saying if you can't be part of the solution don't be part of the problem or in the words of
Charles Nqakula if you don't like the situation..... GET OUT.

Heb 13:17 Obey your leaders and follow their orders. They watch over your souls without resting, since they must give to God an account of their service. If you obey them, they will do their work gladly; if not, they will do it with sadness, and that would be of no help to you.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The New Phrophets Of Our Time

Quote from the Movie I Am SamLucy: Daddy, did God made for you to be like this or was it an accident?
Sam: Ok, what do you mean?
Lucy: I mean you're different.
Sam: But what do you mean?
Lucy: You're not like other daddies.
Sam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry.
Lucy: It's ok, daddy. It's ok. Don't be sorry. I'm lucky. Nobody else's daddy ever comes to the park.
Sam: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, we are lucky. Aren't we lucky? Yeah!

I was in Durban recently and I was spending some time with my Aunt. We were walking through a shopping centre and we saw a young boy in a wheel chair that could hardly move. He was at a restaurant and was being fed by his Dad. He had a bib on and with his head slightly tilted was drooling all over the bib.

My Aunt asked the question "Justin why does God allow this to happen". My immediate Western thought was to try and define God but I held my thought and my answer shocked myself and might have not made my aunt the happiest person.

I said " Maybe God is using these young people to be the prophets of our time. Calling the world to the simple things, to love regardless of who we are, to lose our possessions because they are worthless, to call people back into community, to tell people that God is in control". That shook me to my core. These people are not religious, they cannot speak, they cannot move, they cannot fend for themselves but yet they are screaming Gods grace and Gods calling on me and the community I live in.I watched an episode of Oprah on Autism (Yes men do watch Oprah just like women do go to the toilet) and the guy on the program was saying that when his baby was born he thought that he was gonna teach it to love instead the child taught him to love more and in a deeper and unconditional love. Wow we have a lot to learn from these prophets.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Church

“The church is always trying to get other people to reform; it might not be a bad idea to reform itself a little, by way of example”. Mark Twain

Tonight in Church I got to thinking about my past and the hurts that had been inflicted and have been on the side of dishing that pain out. What is it in me tonight that made me depressed. Let me just say that I hate the Church. I hate for what it stands for and the fact that it has sold a POP Jesus and has really sold itself for money and for the easy road......

God the church has hurt me and God I have hurt people. What is the answer for the church. Where do we stand and where do we go.... The church is FAILING!!!!!! Its failed to love and to be Gods voice in the dark.

Sorry God Sorry world sorry creation and sorry self.... I need to learn and need to hear and need to grow. God please teach and make me uncomfortable in my skin.... Give me opportunity to love and to be Jesus.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Have you seen this man????? Have You heard of this man????? Have you read what this man has written????? Cause this man has changed my life!!!
I went to see my friend off at the airport the other day. Gareth is a friend of mine I really trust and he gave me a book he hasn't finished reading. Irresistible Revolution written by Shane Claiborne. Little did I know that this little book would have such a profound impact in my life and push me towards a crossroad.Shane when was young went in search of the gospel and heard it many times. He had heard it many times but he had never seen anyone live it. My first response was owe come look at me but as I read on I found that if I was Christ like (Christian) then I have missed the mark horribly.

What happens if Jesus really meant meant what he said about the poor. We seem to use our highlighters to highlight what is important to us and we forget about what we don't like.

If we look at Jesus and his teaches we cannot dent the fact that Jesus had a huge heart for the oppressed and marginalises. Well he changed his whole lifestyle. Jesus was homeless and poor, he spent time hugging and touching the poor and lepers. We are called to be Christ Like. Doesn't mean giving up your house but how about living simple lives and serving the poor.

Jesus spoke about this many times but we have ignored it. The church has ignored and sold it self out. Jesus told us not to worry about money and the cloths on our back, do we live it?? I think not. When i was hungry, naked, jailed, you met my needs, when have we done that. Its harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven....

We have not followed this at all. There are very few people living the gospel and lots of people hearing it. The early church lived by these principles and look how it grew. Cesar said that not only are the Christians looking after there poor they are also looking after ours.

I am in the same boat as hearers. Shane started a ministry called The Simple Way. He lives for the poor and serves them. Living the gospel.

There a church in Soweto that has just been built. It cost $100 000 000 to build. It is in a poor area. It is a prosperity church.
The head of the church is Bishop Bira. I emailed him judge for yourself if its true. I posed as a non christian. He hasn't replied to part to of the email. Would love to hear your comments.

Dear Bishop Bira

I saw your program last night on late TV.

I want to follow your God but I have some question I would like to ask...

Ghandi said that I would have become a Christian if I had met one.

I drove passed your church two weeks ago Friday, My question is amongst
the poverty of the Miners hostel and near Bara how can you justify
building a church that is of that size with Gold writing on the wall. I
look at Jesus from what i have heard from passed friends and Jesus was
homeless, Poor and lived amongst the poor taking up their life style.
Surely the amount of money spent on a building of that size goes against
the teachings of Jesus. I wonder would Jesus want a church of that size
or would he rather have a church in a shack and that money going to
cloth a feed the poor.

I think I share the view of Ghandi, I am sceptic of this so called Jesus
and this so called church that fellows him.

What makes your church different??

Kind Regards

Justin Taylor

Dear Justin Taylor;

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ;

Justin;if you truly want to know Jesus, you should not go by the information of third parties, but go straight to the source that can introduce Jesus to you that is the word of God;

When reading the gospels you will understand that Jesus said; " I have come that they may have life and life to the full." (John 10.10)

So, we understand that everything that is good, enjoyable comes from God, and He is not responsible for any misery, but as the bible says, the devil is the one behind poverty and misery,

"Nothing is better for a man than he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labour. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God." (Ecclesiastes 2,24)

I also believe that God has a plan in your life to change your life completely and give you a life of victory, give Him a chance;

Dear Bishop Bira

What does it mean to have a full life? Does having a full life mean that I have all the things that I hope for, like a big car, house or is it to have a broken life healed. If I remain poor for the rest of my life is God still blessing me?

Surely the reason I am poor has less to do with my religious beliefs and more to do with the situation I find myself in this country. If poverty comes from the devil why did Jesus chose poverty.

I decided to do some readings for myself and i was looking a 1 Samuel 16:14 and God sends an evil spirit on Saul. How come you say misery doesn't come from God but this reading says evil spirits come from God.

I am trying to discover God but I just looking for answers surely God understands this

Thank you for your correspondence

Justin Taylor

Friday, September 7, 2007

Home Is Where My Heart Is

So finally I have decided to update my blog. Lets just say it was a little hectic and busy but now I am back in South Africa with allot to share.

Well the camp in North Carolina ended and i had an opportunity to go work on a mental retardation and Autism camp. Now my experience limited as it is was that these people were not very clever and not alive. The were pretty much going through life just to die. WOW was I wrong they are so clever, they have sense's of humour that can not be reviled and there zest for life is amazing. Some of them can only lift there arms and smile but yet they are so happy with their life. I could learn so much from these people. Nick Patel should me what true love was. He couldn't speak but he had a girlfriend who was in a wheelchair and whenever they saw each other they glowed. She shook in her chair and was a deeply moving experience. It was tough cause you got to wipe their bums, shower them, shave them, and other bodily fluids but was worth the experience.
Nick Patel and Megan

Then I went to New York. What an experience. Really enjoyed it. It expanded my view and i really thought this is what Johannesburg could be like. I had a great time i travelled with Julian and Marcel who were from Germany. Was able to see so many things like the World Trade Centre site (I had been up it before it fell). Saw Central Park and so many things.
When I was sixteen I had a dream of owning a Taylor Guitar. So I saved and saved and saved and whilst I was in New York my dream came true!!! Here it is.

Although Africa and South Africa has its problems I would rather be here fighting those problems then fighting America or any other countries problems. I Love South Africa and I am proud to be here.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Great Read

O'Mandingo!: The Only Black at a Dinner Party
If I am to call my self an African and if I am to call myself a true African i need to understand what it means to be African. This book has shown me things about life that could never have dreamed has shown me God in a way that puts him into an African context.
It is controversial at times and Eric Miyeni really pushed me. He can be very political and very black conscious but that is the beauty of this book. It is not trying to be something its not. It is an honest portray of a mans thoughts and feelings.
If I could write this would be the style and the personality I would chose to have in a book. This is a truly South African book and well worth the read

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

So Much To Do So Little Time

"To feel unbelievable and true joy is to see the people who you invest in, find their true selves in the moments of their lives." Me

Ok so hear is some photos of the kids who played in the concert that I organised. They were amazing.

Went to my first ever baseball game. Asheville Tourist VS some team
Miniature tanks on the Field

THE DANCE (We take the kids to a dance with the girls camp)
Went to Church

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day

“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right.”
Brigham Young

Yesterday Was Independence day. It was a time where all Americans celebrate their Independence from the British. I was reading a book from Sam Harris who is an atheist who is trying to convert to world to atheism. He takes huge stabs at the christian faith saying that we basically will fight a fight that we see as moral but there are bigger issues that need to be looked at. For example we will fight homosexual marriages but will say and do very little about genocide and HIV. There are many examples of this. But while sitting in the beauty of the fireworks I wondered how can we celebrate any Independence when there are people who are still oppressed. Its up to us to fight. God never put boarders on creation why do we. How can we call South Africa liberated when refugees feel unwanted.

Anyway Here are some pics I had a fantastic time

14o Double Cheese burgers. Eating challenge

Look A white Squirrel

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Life Is Amazing

Let Me First introduce you to the worlds greatest cabin. Cabin 9!!!!!

From Front Left to Right

James, Ryan, Josh, Charlie, Richard

Joseph And Me

So here is some more pics!! Everyday just gets better than the last. Was in hospital last night but I am out now if you need anymore info on email me and i will tell you but for now here are some more pics!!!

Skit Day



The Group

Boys from the Cabin

The Funky Chicken (South African) Or i call him the black crazy frog

I Don't Dress this bad

Vita Pups (Slush Puppy)
