Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Human Rights


Today in South Africa is Human Rights Day. It is a day where we basically celebrate the Sharpville Massacre. It is a sad day in the history of our country but on the flip side it is a day that was probably the starting point of the struggle.

Anyway at gym today when I saw a women who was swimming. What struck me about this women was that she had no arms and one leg and yet she was in the pool swimming faster and further than I, an able bodied man could ever swim. She was swimming in auch a way that this women had an attitude about herself that said even if i had no limbs I would still be here in this pool. She was a fighter.

So on human rights day it got me to thinking what am I fighting for? What rights am allowing other humans to experience. My answer is ZERO!!! What am I doing???

When I worked in the church so many people used to come to me and say I don't know what God has called me to. Well I got to thinking about it and I think God is screaming at us and we are still.

Here are some stats in South Africa

  • 20% of South Africans are HIV Positive
  • We have the biggest difference between Rich and Poor earning in the WORLD
  • 15% of baby's are underweight
  • 8/100 have the Internet
In Africa
  • Every 3 seconds a person dies from malnutrition
  • Zimbabwe 80% unemployment
I was told once that the problem with world is that they have nothing to fight for any more. They had Vietnam, Apartheid. It seems the only thing now days we are fighting for is wealth. So I am challenging myself and maybe you might be challenged to start the fight. Get up off our butts and lets do something. Lets offer human rights to all. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD , "plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you hope hope and a future.
We have made this scripture a very singular scripture. Its About "me" when in fact it was written as a community and if one part suffers the whole body suffers. So God is calling us into community, To be a hope and a future.

Here is the words from a song from Matt Redman. LETS START THE FIGHT

Now To Live The Life

Many are the words we speak
Many are the songs we sing
Many kinds of offerings
But now to live the life

Many are the words we speak
Many are the songs we sing
Many kinds of offerings
But now to live the life

Help us live the life
Help us live the life
All we want to do is bring you something real
Bring You something true

(We hope that) Precious are the words we speak
(We pray that) Precious are the songs we sing
Precious all these offerings
But now to live the life

Help us live the life
Help us live the life
All we want to do is bring you something real
Bring You something true

Help us live the life
Help us live the life
All we want to do is bring you something real
Bring You something true

Now to go the extra mile
Now to turn the other cheek
And to serve You with a life
Let us share your fellowship
Even of your sufferings
Never let the passion die...

Now to live the life...
Now to live the life
Now to live the life
Now to live the life
©1998 Kingsway's Thankyou Music
Words and Music by Matt Redman

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