Saturday, March 10, 2007

So Change.

The definition of time: Change (Carel Venter)

Don’t you love new beginnings? The death of old but the birth of new. We carry around a pregnant whom of life waiting to bear its offspring of new life. What a gift. The past is part of our lives but it is also a part of our death. The gift of new life is such a hope that tomorrow, we will be better off than today. I went to Northfield Methodist Church the other night to a Young Adults Group that meets once a month. It was really awesome and I felt God really move within me. She moved in ways that brought up so much of my present past and things that made me feel dirty and in need of a spring-clean. I felt the feminine of God really hold me and offer me grace. More like a mother who cares for the wounded child even though she knows that the child has done wrong. I prefer a feminine God. So then Carel (The Youth Pastor) spoke about God within time and really was struck at Gods ability to be in the three phases of time Past, present Future and the also not be in time. Made me really awe full to think God is just in so big he is time with time. Carel really made me think. Also Carel (Sounds like a really deep guy) also made me see that the church is doing good and has shifted my paradigm of the church once more.

Other than that my brother and his fiancé got married on Saturday day. So a little bit of a party was in order. I cant wait for him to move out I want his room. I am really excited for them and I hope and pray that they have a marriage that will bring both themselves and the community that they engage with closer and alive.

Then last but not least if you could pray for me as a community as I start a new beginning. It looks like I am going to be resigning from my job and going to work in America for CCUSA on a Summer Camp for 4 months. It is my first of many steps back into the church and it is a little on the scary side but I really am feeling the calling to the church consuming me. I am not sure what I’ll be doing when I get back but I would like to find a church and start ministering again. Then in 2008 I want to go to the University Of Pretoria to study theology. So big plans but its exciting plans.

So talking about change and how life is moving. On Thursday (after being rear ended) I went to a meeting for CCUSA, cause I have really felt God moving me to a new places and I am official going to summer camp!!!! BIG CHANGE!!!! Four months of new time experiences and Four months of self Discovery.
So here are the plans Batmans.
Leave 29 April 2007
  • Arrive in New York on the 30th.
  • Go for orientation at Columbia University (I Think)
  • 1st Arrive at Camp Carolina
  • Fix Up Camp
  • Get some campers.
  • See how it goes
  • Maybe slip in a visit to see Gareth
Anyway guysIi am having a farewell braai (The Taylor Family Braais are legendary) if all goes according plan on the 20 April 2007. Starts at 6 all invited. Bring own food, drinks and DOLLARS :)Love to hear from you all.
Gareth Remember when we went on Youth Pastors Bash and I jumped off that waterfall and it wasn't even high?Like maybe four meters?? Remember it took me an hour? How long you think this is gonna take me??

1 comment:

Topher said...

Whazzup taylorjus!

I enjoyed perusing your blog.

Stoked to hear that you're going to summer camp. I did the CCUSA thing back in 2003, and had the time of my life. I can safely say that you're gonna love it!

God bless dude..

Chris D