Friday, October 26, 2007

Have you seen this man????? Have You heard of this man????? Have you read what this man has written????? Cause this man has changed my life!!!
I went to see my friend off at the airport the other day. Gareth is a friend of mine I really trust and he gave me a book he hasn't finished reading. Irresistible Revolution written by Shane Claiborne. Little did I know that this little book would have such a profound impact in my life and push me towards a crossroad.Shane when was young went in search of the gospel and heard it many times. He had heard it many times but he had never seen anyone live it. My first response was owe come look at me but as I read on I found that if I was Christ like (Christian) then I have missed the mark horribly.

What happens if Jesus really meant meant what he said about the poor. We seem to use our highlighters to highlight what is important to us and we forget about what we don't like.

If we look at Jesus and his teaches we cannot dent the fact that Jesus had a huge heart for the oppressed and marginalises. Well he changed his whole lifestyle. Jesus was homeless and poor, he spent time hugging and touching the poor and lepers. We are called to be Christ Like. Doesn't mean giving up your house but how about living simple lives and serving the poor.

Jesus spoke about this many times but we have ignored it. The church has ignored and sold it self out. Jesus told us not to worry about money and the cloths on our back, do we live it?? I think not. When i was hungry, naked, jailed, you met my needs, when have we done that. Its harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven....

We have not followed this at all. There are very few people living the gospel and lots of people hearing it. The early church lived by these principles and look how it grew. Cesar said that not only are the Christians looking after there poor they are also looking after ours.

I am in the same boat as hearers. Shane started a ministry called The Simple Way. He lives for the poor and serves them. Living the gospel.

There a church in Soweto that has just been built. It cost $100 000 000 to build. It is in a poor area. It is a prosperity church.
The head of the church is Bishop Bira. I emailed him judge for yourself if its true. I posed as a non christian. He hasn't replied to part to of the email. Would love to hear your comments.

Dear Bishop Bira

I saw your program last night on late TV.

I want to follow your God but I have some question I would like to ask...

Ghandi said that I would have become a Christian if I had met one.

I drove passed your church two weeks ago Friday, My question is amongst
the poverty of the Miners hostel and near Bara how can you justify
building a church that is of that size with Gold writing on the wall. I
look at Jesus from what i have heard from passed friends and Jesus was
homeless, Poor and lived amongst the poor taking up their life style.
Surely the amount of money spent on a building of that size goes against
the teachings of Jesus. I wonder would Jesus want a church of that size
or would he rather have a church in a shack and that money going to
cloth a feed the poor.

I think I share the view of Ghandi, I am sceptic of this so called Jesus
and this so called church that fellows him.

What makes your church different??

Kind Regards

Justin Taylor

Dear Justin Taylor;

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ;

Justin;if you truly want to know Jesus, you should not go by the information of third parties, but go straight to the source that can introduce Jesus to you that is the word of God;

When reading the gospels you will understand that Jesus said; " I have come that they may have life and life to the full." (John 10.10)

So, we understand that everything that is good, enjoyable comes from God, and He is not responsible for any misery, but as the bible says, the devil is the one behind poverty and misery,

"Nothing is better for a man than he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labour. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God." (Ecclesiastes 2,24)

I also believe that God has a plan in your life to change your life completely and give you a life of victory, give Him a chance;

Dear Bishop Bira

What does it mean to have a full life? Does having a full life mean that I have all the things that I hope for, like a big car, house or is it to have a broken life healed. If I remain poor for the rest of my life is God still blessing me?

Surely the reason I am poor has less to do with my religious beliefs and more to do with the situation I find myself in this country. If poverty comes from the devil why did Jesus chose poverty.

I decided to do some readings for myself and i was looking a 1 Samuel 16:14 and God sends an evil spirit on Saul. How come you say misery doesn't come from God but this reading says evil spirits come from God.

I am trying to discover God but I just looking for answers surely God understands this

Thank you for your correspondence

Justin Taylor


Benjamin said...

Hi Just. That book sounds very interesting. I'd love to give it a read when I get back. Got lots of reading that I wanna do. Lots of questions.

And I likd your email to the Minister with his Golden Palace in Soweto. He said all the things I'm sick of being told. He really said nothing. He just gave the copy paste rhetoric that is so tiring.

Another World is Possible said...

Hey if you're a fan of Shane Claiborne and his book, then you should really check out the Another World is Possible DVD series. It's a multimedia project by Shane Claiborne and Jamie Moffett (co-founders of the Simple Way) that emerged in response to their belief that things are not right in the world, and that they don't have to stay that way. There are three DVD's, one on war, one on poverty, and one on creation. You can find out more about them at