Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Prosperity Schools

I have lately been thinking about the prosperity gospel that seems to be touching the world of Christianity. It basically says that if you are poor it is against Gods will. The more you believe the richer you become. So some people have given their life savings to Jesus and have been left with nothing.However the main line churches are not innocent of this. They have these exclusive schools for the rich. The best of everything that the student needs at their finger tips. The catch you gotta pay R2000 minimum a month to belong to the school. How does this aid South Africa except aid the difference between rich and poor. The rich and poor should be separated because you are rich, you stay here and the poor are outside. You are better. That doesn't sound very Christ like to me. Seen's as the likely hood is that Christ could not read or write.
Is the gospel for the rich or for everyone? I heard of a school that put an underground sprinkler system in their rugby field. It cost R2 million. Sounds Christian to me?? (SARCASM)

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