Sunday, August 3, 2008

Grace Beyond Our Expectations

So can you believe it.... I actually found a girl who like me back. This is an achievement :)
Anyway so its been a long time since my last post but I have been thinking allot. Is Jesus a God where we have to grovel at His feet? What the deal?? Do we have to sit and pray and pray and pray and pray to get anything? Why is it that we find ourselves almost begging God for anything. Where is the love? Where is the Grace? Truth be told I don't think I want a God like that. That in my suffering and pain, in a communities suffering and pain, in a countries suffering and pain, in a world suffering and pain, God is trying to teach me a lesson or I have to pray 70 times before Gods sectary Jesus lets God hear my prayer. Sorry if that is who Jesus is I think I am leaving the church.
However I came to a lecture the other day with this tension in side of me. The lecture spoke of the enlightenment. Now I understand the root of I generation. This is where the French Revolution started. It was a place that said what about my own good. I don't want to be a peasant I want to be something more. I am important and I........... I........... I............ I.............

Before this point, community was the most important aspect. The highest form of salvation was in the community. Jesus spoke into that... Salvation was a community exercise.

Which got me thinking on the lines of do I have to accept Jesus to know salvation?...To know grace?... Does Jesus's save me regardless of my verbal commitment? Is an individual commitment biblical?? or even Christian? Funny enough Jesus never has an alter call. Is what we have now in or churches a product of the enlightenment?My own conclusion is that, Grace is offered regardless, Heaven is available for all. That must be the greatest gift that Christ bestowed on us. Its not about growling at the feet of Jesus its about experiencing the Grace of God in the world. The opportunity to be saved, to repent, to have hope. This leaves humans with the task of not saving people.. We are not called to save people, we called to love and become like the master. Tend to the poor, Plead the case for the widow and the ultimate form of human tasks, to lay down ones life for the people we don't know.

I think we need a little more community in our lives

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