I find myself going through stages where depression flows from my soul and turns me into a crying and sad person. Vashti has been really good and has been supportive me through this....But it has left me in a place where I have been trying to find God. But not this footprints in the sand kinda God but a God who is in my struggles and is trying to walk next to me.
The more I realised this, I realised God is not in control of the world... If God was in control there would be no poor, no fraud, no separation, but God is not in control. But God is actively involved in his creation. So where is God in this situation?

Hey Justin!
I admire your honesty, man! It's good to hear someone speak their mind every now and then.
I have a question, though, just to mix things up a little more. In the light of your new position - how much of this honesty do you share with a congregation? Not everyone is at the same stage as you are - how do you walk and talk with integrity yet give a good word at the right time? I'm not trying to mess around with you - just throwing in some of my own struggles ;)
However, I am glad to hear you're going to serve as a Youth Pastor - that would be a good experience. Just remember - when making sermons, it is IMPERATIVE that you go back to the basics - i.e. Hebrew, Greek, etc.
heehee... good on you Ronald - keep Justin in the original Greek & Hebrew> he's a bright lad who can do it!
Hey Just - congrats on the YP post too... look forward to hearing how it goes. Here's an idea to start off with for the first 6 months - visit every youth on the list in their home. that will give you a great intro into what the group/church is about, and what the larger narrative is from the youth's point of view.
Okay, enough advice - back to work for me.
HA HA guys....
Ronald so good to hear from you. SA is missing both you and Gareth..
Anyway I wonder how Jesus did things... If I look at the gospel and I see Jesus message had different levels and appealed to differnt audiences in different ways.... Although there does come a place where we have to be pushing people. Do you think it was Jesus's words or rather his lifestlye that had the greatest impact?
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