Is the church dead? Is it dying? or could it be far more alive than I ever could imagine?
Recently I heard from
Dion Foster that the business world and the church have a completely different language. So much so that the church is seen as out of touch and has lost the plot. We can debate the fact but we can see it in Europe that the church is dead. We can debate the where it started, The crusades (with the church killing for God) The enlightenment (Thinking in a new way which the churches responses was fundamentalism) or could it have been when the church split in the reformation. Regardless of the fact the church in the west is dying.
I can see why. I see it in the boring meetings and the lack of God in the finances or even claiming to be Christ's hands but keeping them in its pockets. The church claims to have Christ but what it has is a bank account, nice tea cups and lovely dead flowers. Where is God? Where is the Jesus who challenged the very structure that people of his day called Church? What would Jesus say of his church? Would his bride be a whore? Would his
body have missing limbs or even in the grave?
Some questions that have been running through my mind is simple but rocked me to my core.
1. Should we as the next generation leave the church to die, (the current structure of church) but work with the young so they can rise from the ashes
2. Am I called to the church or to follow Jesus?
3. What has the church to offer the world in terms of corruption
One of my favourite sayings comes from
St. Augustine who said " The church is a whore but she is my mother"
God would you guide me in the quest for more questions and answers that lead to more questions?