Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Black, White, Grey or Colourless?

TV-static-Web I had a meeting the other day with some girls in our church. The question was raised: “Why don’t you preach black and white?” My immediate response was to defend my view as I think most people would have done. This is my theology and therefore this is the type of Jesus I believe in.

It got me thinking though about this colour system we have got going within the church. There seems to be a thought that Black and White is correct and the Grey is the unknown which seems to be wrong.Why is this? Why is certainty truth and doubt a lack of faith. 

large_tv-staticWhat is wrong with doubt? What is wrong with a bit or uncertainty in our faith? Why do we have to have it all together?  What would happen if people said we just don't know? Would people readily join us on the journey? Can the most stable footing for a relationship be doubt? I am not sure.

I love one of J.R.R. Tolken’s quotes: “Not all who wonder are lost” In life and in the bible not everything that is Black and White is godly. In fact Jesus snubs people for being to Black and white and not living in the grey. Maybe if people look at it the colours can be reversed. Black and White leads to doubt and Grey leads to truth.

tv_static_01 I wonder if there will ever be a day where black,white or grey would combine to form a colourless theology. Where the way we speak about God and God’s love is so infused in our passion rather than our theology. Even this post is based on colour. I don’t think the language black and white and Grey is helpful for the world we live in. This colour system we have in front of us, is a label. Liberal or Fundamental. 

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