Sunday, September 20, 2009

How should we teach

present I love gifts. In fact it think its one of the things that make me feel special. Gifts don't have to be huge (although I would like a nice car :) but for me when you give a gift it must come from the heart. How do I know it’s from the heart? It reflects a piece of who the recipient is.

My family will testify to this. One Christmas my sister bought me soap. Now if you know me well enough you probably know that I haven't used soap for about 4 years now. And for those of you who are thinking “Doesn’t he smell” the short answer is no. But this is a whole new topic for some other day. Anyway needless to say I was very hurt and upset.

A couple of weeks I had a conversation with one of the guys in my Youth about the three big letter word called “SEX”. Cutting a long story short I basically said Sex/Marriage in the bible has a totally different context to our modern day world, Marriage doesn't always equal Godly sex and that if he wanted to have sex he should rather abstain but if he wasn't going to I would go but him condoms.

Also in a talk about the Holy Spirit I spoke openly and I swore at God in a teaching series. Just to show a. Honesty and b. Hope that God is bigger than my swearing.

Anyway so I got a present today and I am thankful for the present except one thing has got me trapped in a spin and is leading to some questions that I don’t have answers for. The present I found out from one of the people who chose it was an attempt to change my theology. So it wasn't a gift as much was a statement of judgement. It’s funny I know I shouldn't be upset but its got to me. That something that comes from love can be given in Judgement. Basically what was asked of me was to become fundamental. To fall in line.

So here are my questions…….

  1. Am I being a plonker or do I have a right to be grieved?
  2. Why cant people speak to your face but can make a million reasons why you are not approachable?
  3. How do I as a labelled liberal thinker take people on this journey of thought?
  4. Do we lie to young people for the sake of keeping them in line, knowing what we do now or do we express the truth even though its hard for people to grasp the concepts?

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