Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Religulous.DVDScr.XViD-BaLDLast night I watch a documentary about religion in the world. It was actually very interesting. It challenged the fact that their is a God but in essence I think it challenged the way we read scripture and the way humans implement their understanding of God. I would definitely recommend that you watch it however just remember than editing and the agenda of the film maker will always leave a bias taste.

The person doesn't ask recognised scholars but rather goes to the bible belt in the USA. The Muslims from war affected areas and Jews from a conservative teachings.

This is I feel the challenge of the church. To question doctrines and the way we live. The church is in need of some good apologetics that are able to speak in a new language. The church might need to change or die or maybe it is already dead.

Have a look and tell me what you think


John van de Laar said...

Hi Justin,

I watched Religulous a few months back and really enjoyed it. Bill Maher's cynical sense of humour really gets me, and I found it really funny. Also I've experienced the kind of Christianity he mocks, and so I could really understand his position. Like you, I think it's an important movie for Christians to watch.

My only criticism, really, was that he (like so many others - Richard Dawkins etc.) only spoke of one particular version of faith - fundamentalist. In all of the religions he looked at, he failed to do any serious work around the more progressive, socially concerned and intelectually honest versions. I wish he had done this - but, I guess the movie would have been less sensational if he had.

His conclusions stand,though, I think. If we don't find a way for these fundamentalist religions to either change or somehow make space for each other, they may well drag us all into world wide war and destruction. Those of us who are people of faith who resist this fundamentalism have work to do to change our religious organisations from within!

For what it's worth...

taylorjus said...

Hey John
Thanks for the comment. I was speaking to a friend today about the movie and we both felt that he did not allow place for other progressive faiths to speak openly and honestly about their faith. Then again he was trying to dispel religion, so having a religious voice agreeing with him might night have been helpful to his message.
We are hopefully going to be showing it to our young adults soon.
I would like your perspective though on how you think the church could aid this or has the church been sucked into the vacuum and can’t get out?
Thanks for posting. Keep safe

Grace and Peace