Friday, December 5, 2008
Who wins??

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Watch This Space

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hope In The Now

I find myself going through stages where depression flows from my soul and turns me into a crying and sad person. Vashti has been really good and has been supportive me through this....But it has left me in a place where I have been trying to find God. But not this footprints in the sand kinda God but a God who is in my struggles and is trying to walk next to me.
The more I realised this, I realised God is not in control of the world... If God was in control there would be no poor, no fraud, no separation, but God is not in control. But God is actively involved in his creation. So where is God in this situation?

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Grace Beyond Our Expectations

Before this point, community was the most important aspect. The highest form of salvation was in the community. Jesus spoke into that... Salvation was a community exercise.
Which got me thinking on the lines of do I have to accept Jesus to know salvation?...To know grace?... Does Jesus's save me regardless of my verbal commitment? Is an individual commitment biblical?? or even Christian? Funny enough Jesus never has an alter call. Is what we have now in or churches a product of the enlightenment?

I think we need a little more community in our lives

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Prosperity Schools

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Just A Quicky

Monday, June 16, 2008
Back To Freud

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Church Vs. The Begger

- Relies on people to sustain it
- Beg for money
- Begs from a pulpit
- Sends food to the poor
- Talks about the poor
- Is Rich
- Teaches Jesus
- Lives in a house
- The world Passes By
- Relies on people to sustain it
Beg for money
Begs from a traffic light
Looks for food in where ever it can get
Engages with the poor
Is Poor
Knows Jesus
Lives on the street - The world passes by
- When people look into the church what do they see?
- When we look out of the church what do we see?
Here are some questions that I think that are important
- What can the church learn from the beggar?
- How are they similar?
- How do we engage in that Jesus?

Friday, April 18, 2008
Where is the love?
Child phone thief ‘deserved it’ | |||||
While police are still in the dark about the identity of the driver who shot and killed a 12-year-old smash-and-grabber, it appears many South Africans have little sympathy for the young boy. Comments on The Times website seemed to weigh in favour of the unknown gunman who killed the boy in Boksburg on Friday, with some even suggesting the killing of the youngster rid the country of a future criminal. With comments such as “he won’t be committing any further crime” to “the victim [the shooter] has done South Africa a huge favour”, website visitors made it clear they are fed up with the current crime situation. The boy was shot after he apparently smashed the window of a white Citi Golf on Rondebult Road in Boksburg, East of Johannesburg, and stole a cellphone. A witness claimed the boy ran away, but was chased by the driver who shot him in the chest and then fled the scene in his car. One visitor, writing under the alias “Fluffybunny” wrote: “That little scumbag- in-training was not just shot for that particular crime, it put an end to the dozen crimes he’ll go on to commit every single day, eventually ending in him becoming a murderer and rapist just like the rest of them ... so good riddance to bad rubbish.” Dr Christiaan Bezuidenhout of the University of Pretoria’s social work and criminology department said these views reflect the sentiment of what he calls “a gatvol nation”. “People are sick and tired of crime and have become completely desensitised,” said Bezuidenhout. “All they read and hear about is how criminals rob, rape and torture people … we are already at the stage where ordinary people actually applaud those who take the law into their own hands.” Having dealt with numerous under-aged offenders, Bezuidenhout said the youth of today are misled by what is perceived to be important in life, such as having the best cellphone and clothing. “One has to ask, where was this boy’s parents and what role did they play in giving him guidance,” he said, adding: “But we all know parental guidance is sadly absent in our society.” Commenting further on some of the readers’ remarks on The Times website, Bezuidenhout, said: “This is how crime has affected the psyche of our nation. “It is not a racial issue, but rather a shift in our social patterns. “People think the shooter is a hero because he did something the police couldn’t do.” Captain Mack Mngomezulu said late yesterday that police have received no positive leads. “We are investigating, but so far we have had nothing to identify the driver,” Mngomezulu said. |
Wow I challenge people to look at some of the comments at the bottom of the article. Is this the norm in SA? Should we agree with this? Is Jesus still relevant in a country where this is happening?
One of Gandhi main principles was non violent protests. Where he believed that you show the person their lack of humanity by not fighting back. That made Gandhi a feared man in the world. A man with no guns and no revenge agenda scared the corrupt governments. Sounds a little like Jesus.....
Martin Luther King Jnr applied the same approach when the African American Race found themselves in a deep conflict with the South. Many black americans were beaten and strangled killed and houses destroyed. Martin Luther King Jnr found himself part of that and yet he proclaimed a Non Violent protest. Even at its worst the man still followed a Non Violent option. He said that when you retaliate you bread a sense of violence post your liberation......
Apartheid is wrong and I am not trying to defend the course it took. However in light of the non violent approach I wonder how South Africa would look now. The story tells of two groups. Whites attack blacks, blacks retaliate, blacks attack whites and now look the cycle is turning to whites retaliating. What are are we gearing ourselves up for?? This is such a dangerous place we find ourselves in and what does the church do?? It prays for a Saviour and meanwhile tries to create a devision that is dangerous for the land.......
The killer in South Africa is not crime but rather a breading of Violence that stems when the Dutch landed on our shores with Guns..... The britished added to it and now we live in the repercussions of our great grandfathers. Who says there is no such thing a children being cursed by our ancestors. Maybe we are breading this culture in our great grandchildren?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Women's Lib

Monday, April 14, 2008
The Rich Gospel

Jesus has a great church growth plan..... Invite the poor
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The Mind Of The Brave
I would start to say that I am pretty controversial. Some people call it heresy and others call satanic. I don't think that when I start thinking that I should come with the most controversial thought but I do think that its what makes me come to terms with the world I find myself in.
I have noticed though that when people do not agree with you then they say either two things. 1. That you are forcing your views on everyone but the truth is if you stayed inside what they thought was normal then you wouldn't be forceful. 2. That you are wrong and that there is something wrong with you.
I don't mind so much people disagreeing with me and rejecting me but rather my deepest hurt is when the people you hold close start to reject you. Your views become so different that it breaks the bonds that should be so strong. My family is Christian and we cannot discuss Christianity in my house cause of the fact that the bonds of family are broken when I open my mouth. Its sad that the one thing that should unify us is the one thing that breaks us apart. Sad!!!
I really feel that I have isolated myself with just the way I think. I cant discuss, engage or even just relax with the people I love. Its a lonely place but what's the alternative find love and deny your true belief? I wonder how Jesus responded to his family structure being destroyed by what He believed. Its a lonely place when you hang on the cross and your family is the one shouting CRUCIFY HIM!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Side Of God I Never Knew
I am definitely not one of those people who looks at the stars and goes wow!!! I cant fathom a God like that but i can get my head around a God of grace hope and love. That is the God that I never knew. A tangible open God who is challenging my thought and my soul (If I have one) but this God reaches across denomination across religion and across humanity.
Why??? What is this God up to??
Monday, February 25, 2008
Americans Change Faiths at Rising Rate, Report Finds
This Popped into my inbox and I thought it was very interesting
Sunday, February 24, 2008
If We Refuse To Tell The Truth Is That A Lie??

When people look at the world they see certain imagery that makes their worlds become real. The hold on to the hope that what is Red is in fact Red and what makes their world come alive is in fact true and not something they perceive. Well at least that's what I think. Our world becomes this bubble. Once we look from the inside of the bubble our world has many shades and many dimensions that might not be a true reflection on reality but it could at best be our distorted view of reality.

What happens when our bubble pops. Do we look at the world and say this is not my bubble or do we embrace the new colours??? Do we embrace the bubble we find ourselves in?? The world is so much bigger, The colours are far brighter and the dimensions are far beyond what I can fathom in my little bubble.

Anyway so with this in mined......I have some questions!!!
Is God the bubble blower or is God the world and we blow the bubbles? Not sure if God gives us the perspectives of God or do we natural put it in to perspective?

Will I always see the gospel according to Justin and preach the gospel according to Justin.... My short answer is Yes but it leads to a Therefore........ I need to ask what is my perspective and what are the limitations of that?
How much of the truth and knowledge do we share about the bible with ppl??? Is the bible a bubble in itself? The bible is seen as this sacred object of God. In some ways it is seen as god and God is not seen as god.
And if we Refuse To Tell The Truth Is That A Lie?? If people ask us questions do we tell them what we know or do we shhhhh??
I don't know where I stand here...... I think the journey has begun
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Attack Of The Heart
I preached last weak Sunday and I really enjoyed the platform. I never talk for God but i talk about my experiences of a God who encounters me in love. Some people say that I am extreme and out of Gods will and scripture. My first response is always thanks Jesus and secondly I really think that they are so challenged by my point of views that rejection and attack is the first response.
With that in mind I gave my talk. I speak on what I believe. I spoke about the calling of Joshua and Jesus's calling to us from his basis of love. So I said how God calls male and female and that its not Christian to say leaders are men and then I said my pic of God is black and female.
Then I said when we look at anything Old Testament we have to draw it along side Jesus. Jesus's example was that He didn't come to die for us but rather he came to love us and the consequence was the cross. We should therefore love no matter what.

Anyway lets just say people are quick to burn people on the stake. I have been nailed in so many aspects. One of my hardest things to face is to face unbalance. When people are upset with me and actually hate me. It throws my balance out.

Friday, February 15, 2008
Hebrew is Tav Chirek He Samach
Anyway I am sitting in the lap of my calling and am just finding myself experiencing God in a new and profound way. I have never been a person where the bible has come alive but as I study its not the fact that i am reading it that is making it jump but rather the fact that I am struggling and finding it such challenging experience.
Here are some photos.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Eskom " I wish I was the light of the world"

Eskom the electricity supplier to South Africa recently released a statement that blackouts would be part of South African lifestyles for the next six year. This has major impact on the economy and the lifestyle that we as South Africans live.
Numerous probes are being launched to see who is to blame. Thabo Mbeki said government was to blame for not listening to Eskom and wanting to build houses rather than power stations. Some people honestly believe Eskom and its management are to blame. I wonder if people have ever made mistakes that have affected other people?
But the the truth of the matter is as South Africans blackouts will be part of our daily lives. But with that comes great hope and great opportunity for our country. We could become the world pioneers in how to save electricity. The world is crying for a nation to lead it in reduction of emissions and decrease its carbon footprint on the world. We could be forerunners. This is forcing us to look at our lives and say the more I use the more it affects my neighbour. We could raise a generation of electricity conscience people or we could raise a group of people who have a complaining conscience built into them. I like option A!!
Even in my own house I had a look at the number of lit rooms that no one was in. I can make a deference in the electricity consummation in my own home.

We are a country that has the opportunity to experiment and play with this technology (solar powered traffic light) and maybe just maybe God saw we were faithful in little by reconciling the wounds of apartheid and now is calling us to save her planet??