Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Confusion With SEXPO

n737195502_1343239_7296Today on my university radio station they had a Porn Star in to promote SEXPO. Now I have gotten numerous invites to go to the sex expo and I have been thinking of taking some of the guys in my Youth to SEXPO to chat about healthy and “Godly” sexuality. Obviously I am not stupid because I know it would never go down well in the church. If I think people are unhappy now, you could imagine what it would be like if I did. I mean even if I went by myself as an observer I would be shot.

My confusion is this. The bible has very little to do with modern sexuality and marriage. People were married at 13 when they hit puberty and everything was prearranged. Love might have existed but I think in the majority of cases sex was rape.

There is definitely an addiction in people for pornography and it some cases sex. It is not only a male but there are some females who are addicted to  pornography and lust for sex as well. Why is this? Young people hit puberty and have to wait at least 7 years before they can marry. It is either a very sick game on Gods side or pressure from a western society that makes it unfair. The church has been guilty of making people feel guilty in their sexual experiences. Young people feel scared/guilty to masturbate, they feel hormones change and no wonder they want to touch.

How do we encourage good sexuality? What is good sexuality? As people are not wanting to get married as readily as they used to what do we as a church have to say about Sex?

I think the addiction to pornography and sex is an addiction to intimacy. It what we crave at our very basic nature. How do we encourage healthy intimacy? I DO NOT KNOW

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Black, White, Grey or Colourless?

TV-static-Web I had a meeting the other day with some girls in our church. The question was raised: “Why don’t you preach black and white?” My immediate response was to defend my view as I think most people would have done. This is my theology and therefore this is the type of Jesus I believe in.

It got me thinking though about this colour system we have got going within the church. There seems to be a thought that Black and White is correct and the Grey is the unknown which seems to be wrong.Why is this? Why is certainty truth and doubt a lack of faith. 

large_tv-staticWhat is wrong with doubt? What is wrong with a bit or uncertainty in our faith? Why do we have to have it all together?  What would happen if people said we just don't know? Would people readily join us on the journey? Can the most stable footing for a relationship be doubt? I am not sure.

I love one of J.R.R. Tolken’s quotes: “Not all who wonder are lost” In life and in the bible not everything that is Black and White is godly. In fact Jesus snubs people for being to Black and white and not living in the grey. Maybe if people look at it the colours can be reversed. Black and White leads to doubt and Grey leads to truth.

tv_static_01 I wonder if there will ever be a day where black,white or grey would combine to form a colourless theology. Where the way we speak about God and God’s love is so infused in our passion rather than our theology. Even this post is based on colour. I don’t think the language black and white and Grey is helpful for the world we live in. This colour system we have in front of us, is a label. Liberal or Fundamental. 

Monday, September 28, 2009


sp804_The_Passion_of_the_JewWhat is passion? Can we fall out of love with our passion or can our passions be constantly evolving that was once a passion in the past is now just a mere burden?

I approached some ladies today who have been very critical of my ministry. I asked what their issues were and what they struggled with and it came back that they wanted black and white answers but with allot of passion. Now I used to love the laws and the concept that the bible is the final authority but now my passion is those laws but the liberation that the gospels offer.

How can I be passionate about something I am not? Maybe the truth is my passion has changed not just with the Bible but maybe to ministry. 

What happens in the Church when your passion changes? Is there space for people to move? I wonder if Jesus’ passion changed at all? If it evolved? My heart and head say yes. Engaged with the law in the Temple as a child but realised that God was amongst the people rather than the Temple. The move from Temple to People…Interesting

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sermon 27 September 2009

Being Different

Slide1There is a huge intolerance in the world and I am sad to say that the majority of people that seem the most intolerant are those who have religion on there side. There have been wars fought throughout the bible and even post the new testament in the name of God, that have reeked of intolerance. Infect the very basis for the history of our country was from the church. September 11 two aero planes flew into the world trade centre killing thousands in the name of Allah. Which comes from the word alleluia which is the same God that we worship? George Bush taking a word from psalm 26 “Evil doers” justified in the name of God the Iraq war. I wonder what God thinks?

Not only have wars been fought in the name of God but judgment has been passed on people based on their different ideas of Slide2religion, looks and of their life. Just recently a tornado ripped through America and the evangelical church there blamed it on homosexuals. We have claimed authority over the world in the name of God but we haven’t allowed God to be present in that world.

Here is a little experiment have a look at the slides and see what you think

Slide3Who is the Christian?






It is time to elect a new world leader, and your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates.

Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He’s had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening.

Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He’s a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn’t had any extramarital affairs.

Which of these candidates would be your choice?


Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Candidate B is Winston Churchill.

Candidate C is Adolph Hitler


Numbers 11

Note in the passage of Numbers how it is not the 70 leaders which would have given them prestige and honour but rather it is two men in the camp. These men would have probably been younger than 30 and would have not been seen as high up on the scale of authoritarian but yet in some way God speaks to the people through these men. Not in the tent but in the camp.


Mark 9: 38 – 50

Honour and shame. Jewish culture believed if you had an illness, that you were unclean and the reason you had the element was because of sin and this was a punishment from God on your life. So people who had leprosy couldn’t go into the temple because they were unclean or if you lost an eye you would be thrown out. Can I paraphrase the text just a little to see if maybe I can offer another aspect to it. Here the disciples knowing the Jewish laws and traditions come to Jesus saying master there is an unclean sinner preaching the gospel, in fact his not a rabbi or even a prophet but what he is doing is telling people about you and he is not like us. People are getting healed and this goes against everything we have been taught and everything we hold dear as a religion. Jesus says leave the guy alone and let them preach. You see its not who you or what you look like that makes you important. You can think you holy but its better to make yourself unholy for the gospel and in doing so you preach the message. Jesus is actually snubbing the people who think that they are the closest to Gods message. THIS IS RADICAL

I remember when I was young there was a game show on TV where they had a flies view of an object and you had to try guess what the object was. I mean they had cameras and the most arbitrary things you could think what it is. To my dismay no matter how hard I tried to guess the picture I don’t think I ever got one correct. I think that is often how we see God. God is so big and so massive that to try and understand God is impossible. In fact when we think we have even understood a concept of what and who God is we could hardly be further from the truth. Friends we are like that competition only seeing a small piece of God and can therefore never have the full truth. We need to see and hear other people’s perspectives


So what happens when people speak of a different theology than mine?

Maybe they are seeing a different side of God that you have not. Maybe there is some truth in what they are saying. Even if it makes you feel exceptionally uncomfortable there must be some form of understanding. There must be grace and there must be acceptance. If two are more are gathered in my name I am there!!!!

Slide101 Corinthians 13:12

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.




What happens if people are in a different religion?


Genesis 1 says that we are all created in the image of God and therefore we all reflect a piece of God in our lives. To say that a Buddhist or a Hindi or even Muslim is wrong is to deny God working in their lives. You see if we all reflect a piece of God maybe we can learn from other religions. We judge and we do not even know who they are. That doesn’t even sound like the Jesus in the bible. Jesus was first visited by astrologers not JEWS. Rob bell and minister in America went to a conference with some of the great religious world leaders and Christians stood outside and judge him calling him evil.


What happens if people are doing things that we know are hurtful? at the the pornography expo


The truth is if we believe in grace and that Gods grace is bigger than any flaw we believe in then we have to say that it doesn’t matter exactly what you believe Gods grace will still find us there.


So may we start to learn that your greatest gift to me is your greatest difference from me. May we learn to listen rather than judge and may we allow God to be present in our conversations and our journeys.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Swore In Church and at God

curse2Why is it that we can’t be honest with God? To sit in the raw emotions that we feel and be honest with God. Is it a sign of respect? Is it a sign of weakness? Does tradition dictate how we feel and respond to God?

Recently during a talk I swore and said where the ^$*! was God. In utter anger I swore at God. People have been outraged at this and have even questioned if I am a Christian.

Now granted the choice of words may not have been the best but it was honest. Isn't honesty what God calls us to? Is not being honest a sin? Well I came to the conclusion and think that if God cant handle my swear words then is God God? If grace cannot permeate my language, is it grace? Lastly what is more offensive to God a swearing honesty that even says they despise him or a lie of being dishonest that fake loves him? 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

How should we teach

present I love gifts. In fact it think its one of the things that make me feel special. Gifts don't have to be huge (although I would like a nice car :) but for me when you give a gift it must come from the heart. How do I know it’s from the heart? It reflects a piece of who the recipient is.

My family will testify to this. One Christmas my sister bought me soap. Now if you know me well enough you probably know that I haven't used soap for about 4 years now. And for those of you who are thinking “Doesn’t he smell” the short answer is no. But this is a whole new topic for some other day. Anyway needless to say I was very hurt and upset.

A couple of weeks I had a conversation with one of the guys in my Youth about the three big letter word called “SEX”. Cutting a long story short I basically said Sex/Marriage in the bible has a totally different context to our modern day world, Marriage doesn't always equal Godly sex and that if he wanted to have sex he should rather abstain but if he wasn't going to I would go but him condoms.

Also in a talk about the Holy Spirit I spoke openly and I swore at God in a teaching series. Just to show a. Honesty and b. Hope that God is bigger than my swearing.

Anyway so I got a present today and I am thankful for the present except one thing has got me trapped in a spin and is leading to some questions that I don’t have answers for. The present I found out from one of the people who chose it was an attempt to change my theology. So it wasn't a gift as much was a statement of judgement. It’s funny I know I shouldn't be upset but its got to me. That something that comes from love can be given in Judgement. Basically what was asked of me was to become fundamental. To fall in line.

So here are my questions…….

  1. Am I being a plonker or do I have a right to be grieved?
  2. Why cant people speak to your face but can make a million reasons why you are not approachable?
  3. How do I as a labelled liberal thinker take people on this journey of thought?
  4. Do we lie to young people for the sake of keeping them in line, knowing what we do now or do we express the truth even though its hard for people to grasp the concepts?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Religulous.DVDScr.XViD-BaLDLast night I watch a documentary about religion in the world. It was actually very interesting. It challenged the fact that their is a God but in essence I think it challenged the way we read scripture and the way humans implement their understanding of God. I would definitely recommend that you watch it however just remember than editing and the agenda of the film maker will always leave a bias taste.

The person doesn't ask recognised scholars but rather goes to the bible belt in the USA. The Muslims from war affected areas and Jews from a conservative teachings.

This is I feel the challenge of the church. To question doctrines and the way we live. The church is in need of some good apologetics that are able to speak in a new language. The church might need to change or die or maybe it is already dead.

Have a look and tell me what you think

Friday, September 11, 2009


What is it about a little piece of paper wrapped around a plant, that can stir fear into the heart of Christians? We start to see the effects of that fear through judgment, a sense that the church will fall apart or even that people will drive past and say "They call themselves Christians and now look at them smoking".


I am sure there are bigger issues than smoking. I mean off the top of my head I could think maybe God would care more about poverty. Abuse, drugs, war, than a person putting a piece of paper in their mouth, but yet we find many churches shunning people who smoke before they walk in the door. Young people refuse to come into the church grounds if they are smoking or recently I had a conversation with some smokers, smoking in a dark hidden place behind the church in fear that someone would spot them and give them the lecture. Why do we as a Church not encourage honesty  but rather force people into hiding. It’s sad.


Now don’t get me wrong, I have two parents who smoke and I cannot stand the habit. It is unhealthy and is not a good habit at all, but our job as Christians is not to change people but to love. LOVE!!!! God changes we love. But yet we find that we can’t do that we have to change them. Its weird Jesus accepted and loved people and challenged them later. I wish we could start getting people from judging which leads to hiding to loving which leads to liberation. Maybe this would lead people to come to church if they felt loved. Homosexuals, adulaters, and all who fall short of the glory of God.  I think the people who drive past and judge the smokers are probably Christians. Small fact the bible doesn't speak about smoking.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Last One And Moving On

Barry once told me that one of his favourite movies was Shawshank Redemption. So I watched on Saturday for the first time and it was good. Anyway one line struck me from the movie and it summed up who Barry was to me. In light of his memorial today I thought it was a nice line.

Red: "Sometimes it makes me sad though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are far to bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty now they are gone. I guess I just miss my friend"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How I Feel

Today I am hurting.....Nothing more nothing less, Just sore

Monday, September 7, 2009

Barry Guy Marshall

You ever meet someone once and you know that this person has made a profound impact on your life? Well that was Barry Marshall for you. I don’t think anyone could say that when they came into contact with Barry they hadn’t gone into a wrestling match with God. Barry inspired, challenged, loved, taught and mostly gave himself to you.

Barry is the reason I am a Christian today. When others were giving me crap Christianity Barry had the space to push me to new and liberating places. I will never forget Barry talking to young people about being drunk and saying honestly how smashed he got at his engagement party and how he challenged me to ministry by saying "what is the greatest gift you can give you your children, the latest IPod or the gift of simplicity". He taught me that to go into a song in different key you go to 5th note and 7th it.

Barry was a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Unfortunately Barry passed away in the sea almost a week ago. Barry you will be missed, not only by your family but by a generation of young and old that you impacted in astounding ways. You liberated many and even though people got upset with your views, you liberated them to.

Barry you died in the same way you lived. Paddling out to sea alone while others stood on the shoreline watching. Barry may you always be apart of our thoughts and our actions. May we to carry the liberation torch that has touched your flame to others.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Need To Listen More

Today Vashti my fiance came to speak to me. She is struggling with life. In the past I have been a Youth Pastor first and a person second. My identity was what I did and not who I was.

So for the past few weeks I have without noticing it been a Youth Pastor to her and not a person. I have been quick to give advice and be the hero and slow to be a person who listen and is just present. I have fallen in the trap of being spectacular and to be all things to all people (Dangerous thing this ego)

I really hate what I term "Porno" Christianity. What I hate more than the posters, bangles and the dvd's is "Porno" books but I was given 5 love languages by my brother as a present. Despite the "Porno" in it I have been able to see things that I could use to love Vashti more.

Maybe the Jesus in me is learning to start listening in weird places.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spring Has Sprung

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams

I like winter, but eventually it gets old and dry and well really blaaah. Today in the Southern Hemisphere we sit in Spring :) and its awesome to see. Just outside my flat is a tree with the most beautiful buds growing. It's amazing what a day like spring can do. It seems in a way to lift the spirits. Offer new life and make the world seem life a happy place (unless you live in England)

I am excited for this spring in my life cause winters over and its time to party